Setting the tone

I created this blog a few weeks ago, and everyday since have stared at some type of screen trying to figure out what the first blog post should be about. Should I start with our garden project, some essential oil recipes, my son, etc. Blog posts can be fairly simple. Get the idea, write it down, add a picture and you are done! But the first blog post. That is something else entirely. It sets the tone for how the entire blog will be run. It can turn readers on or shut them off entirely, never to come back. I have been wracking my brain with how to create the first post with one result, frustration.

Then today something happened and a light bulb went off. What happened today is what I am going to write about. It is worthy of a first post, not because I have done something wonderful, but because someone else has done something wonderful, and it needs to be shared.

Recently I have started using Young Living Essential Oils in our home. I am slowly incorporating them into our daily life and I am learning more each day about the might that these oils hold in such small bottles. My main interest for using these oils was for my son. My son is an energetic, beautiful, curly haired little boy with a heart of gold. Lou is kind and gentle, and very affectionate. He exhibits an innocence that I have rarely seen in people and shows me how to be a better mom more and more each day. All of these things are exceptional because my son has autism, and has never spoken to me in his entire life. He was diagnosed at the age of 2 (he is now 5) and has since been in therapies and programs to try and help him with his communication and daily living. We have been on so many mountain tops with him, but also have experienced the deep valleys. The struggles he has to face on an everyday basis can make your head spin. But even through that, he is a fighter and a joyful soul. I have tried so many things with him to help him with some of his battles; sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. 
One thing that has continued to present itself in Lou's life is his inability to calm himself down so that he can get the rest his body needs. It can be hours after his bedtime and he will still be "stimming" in his bed, unable to stop and desperate for peace. We pray by his bedside every night that tonight would be the night that he would have peace and be able to sleep. Some nights he can, but most often it's a struggle. We have had to remove all toys from his room, so that its just a mattress and a dresser, just hoping that eliminating the distractions would help him. So far it hasn't made a huge difference.
So back to the oils. After a negative experience with melatonin for our son we decided we needed to find something that was going to naturally help him fall asleep, not put him to sleep. Several people suggested trying lavender oil on him to help him ease into a sleep. After a lot of research and talks with my husband we decided to take the plunge and order the Young Living Starter Kit. I am so thankful we did! The starter kit included oils that have helped us with body pain, nausea, and purifying our home! The lavender was also included in the kit. Everyone's bodies are different, however, and not everything will work on every body. Lavender did not seem to help ease our son into the sleep that we were hoping for. Desperation was setting in at this point. What else could we do to help him?
We had been looking at an oils kit for a while that is sold by Young Living. Its called Reconnect and if you haven't heard of it you should really check it out. There's a really great testimonial about it in the link below. It is a kit that is designed specifically for people suffering with autism. It includes four oils that help with concentration, positivity, grounding, and relaxation. The kit is something that my husband and I have been wanting to save up for but have had to put it on the back burner to prioritize other expenses.
That is until I received a message from a friend of mine that I met through Young Living. She actually is my up line (business terms) and has helped me a lot with figuring out my kit and giving me advice on combinations to try. She messaged me today asking if we could meet up like we had talked about after work. Of course, after a long Easter weekend I spaced and had made other arrangements. She was gracious and let me know that she had something for me, that her and her sister had split the cost and that they wanted to "bless our socks off" with it. She of course couldn't wait to tell me, so I told her to spill it and she told me that she had purchased the Reconnect collection for our family. Now let me recap for a second. When I said she was my friend, she is. But we have only met once, we have only known each other for a month and I don't know a ton about her (other than she's super nice and wants some of the same things I want for my family). Her sister I know even less and have only met once as well. I had tears of joy in my eyes when she told me what they had done. But I also was so taken aback. I really couldn't understand why two women who didn't know me very well and weren't going to receive anything in return would do something so extravagant for me. I'm sitting on the floor, attempting to piece together this mystery when God so plainly whispers to me "Agape". They showed me agape. A love that is expecting nothing in return. By purchasing something for me just so my son could benefit (along with their prayers that he would) these two women have given me a glimpse of the love that we are called to show each other. Jesus said that people would know we are disciples by our "agape". By the unconditional love we showed others. It is obvious to me that these two women are disciples. That they wanted to bless us just because we needed it, and nothing more.
I am picking up the oils tonight and I cant really find the words to describe what I am feeling. Gratefulness mostly, guilt, excitement, but most of all peace. Peace that God will always take care of us, that God loves our sweet boy and is working through others to benefit him and get him what he needs, that God hears the prayers we pray by Lou's bedtime at night.
This blog is going to contain all sorts of things. It will contain posts about gardening, wholesome living, oils, autism, cleaning and much more I am sure. I will be writing about successes and failures that our family experience and the journey to make our home a place that we can truly flourish. But as for setting the tone for this blog as a whole, I hope that this post has done just that. We are all in need of grace and agape. None of us are perfect, and we can't do it all. This will never be a blog that makes me sound like a super mom or wife. I will always be honest in my weaknesses. I don't have it all together, not even close. It's the people in my life that make me better. I hope that my experiences, recipes, tips and rambles can help you in your quest to flourish in everyday life, just as much as so many people continue to help me.

~ Emily

Here's the link to the amazing testimonial from one mom about using the Reconnect oils with her daughters and her awesome blog!

Also here is the link to the wonderful woman's blog who I talked about in this post.


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